I’m thrilled to finally reveal what I’ve been working on (in between a zillion other non-gaming things) the last three months… a 48-page quickstart version of the Dreamland rules! This quickstart PDF condenses Dreamland down into all that you need to play and DM (Dream Master) the game for yourself. All you need is the PDF and one of the two Dreamland Virtual Tabletop cards (for Tabletop Simulator or playingcards.io: both available here.)

This is not the final commercial version of Dreamland, rather it is a public Beta (trimmed down from a much longer version). It didn’t make sense releasing this before the cards are available on VTTs, but now that they are out there I hope folks will download the PDF and cards and play their own adventures in Dreamland (and tell me what you think)!
The 48 page Quickstart Rules include:
- all the rules needed to play the game, including challenges, skills, creating marvels, curing Impairments, waking up, death (permanent and temporary), Dream Shock and more
- character creation, including 24 Roles
- become an initiate into the art of dreaming with character advancement from Levels 0 to 2
- DMing Tips & a list of Dreamland movies, books & children’s books
- 15 special Beast Roles for Transformed dreamers
- 2 pages of glossary including useful terms like Abhumans, Fairies, Dead Dreamers & more
- 14 illustrations
- an illustrated web-quality 3-page character sheet (see here for print-quality version)

Again, the PDF is here. All other necessary links (such as to Tabletop Simulator, playingcards.io, and optional Chartopia tables) are contained in the file. Go get it, read it, and play around with it! And enjoy the comics of the winemaker, noble and maid’s Dreamland adventures.
I hope to upload more playtest materials soon, such as a starter adventure. In the meantime, here’s some pages from the Dreamland character sheet. Thank you so much for passing this on and spreading the word about Dreamland.
UPDATE 3/31/2023: A sample adventure for Dreamland, The Paradise of the Unchanging, is now also available.
UPDATE 4/10/2023: A higher-resolution, print-quality version of the Dreamland character sheet has been uploaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jykiladh9ffak1f/Dreamland-character-sheet-4-10-23.pdf?dl=0 The character sheet in the PDF will be upgraded to print-quality in the future.

I just thought about this today and I came to check it out and now I get all this awesome stuff!
So excited to play this!
Thank you so much!! Let me know what you think and how it goes! I hope to have more playtestable stuff uploaded here before the end of April.
This looks fantastic! I look forward to the full game.
Thank you so much! Here’s an invite to the Dreamland Discord (let me know if it’s expired): https://discord.gg/DZjyePm8