Playtests & demos of Dreamland RPG continue almost every week on the Dreamland Discord! Meanwhile, if you use Facebook, please consider joining the Dreamland Facebook Group! The short format of Facebook posts has made it extra convenient to write lots of posts on Dreamland-esque subjects: not only the game, but Dreamland art, books, games and general topics (and coming soon, movies!). In August I wrote capsule FB blogposts on what I consider “essential Dreamlands” topics including:
- Lord Dunsany
- HP Lovecraft
- Kij Johnson
- Gary Myers
- Alice in Wonderland
- Rootabaga Stories
- The Wizard of Oz
- Italo Calvino’s “Invisible Cities”
- The Sandman
- New Maps of Dream
- Brian Lumley’s Dreamlands
- Ursula K. LeGuin
- A Stranger in Olondria
- Marco Polo
…and many, many other topics. Since it’s a public group, other folks have also contributed, including David Barker writing about his book “In the Gulfs of Dream and Other Lovecraftian Tales” and Edward Lippsett about his own Dreamlands writing. Future topics will include Surrealism & Horror, Travel, Children’s Books & Fairytales, Little Nemo in Slumberland, Dreamland Monsters, Dreamland Locations, and of course, lots of game stuff!
Here’s some images from the Facebook group to check out!

Unfinished Map of Ooth-Nargai (Jason Bradley Thompson)

Una Woodruff, “Inventorum Naturae”

John R. Neill, Oz

Gilbert Williams

Mercer Mayer and Barbara Wersba, “Amanda, Dreaming”

Bob Pepper, cover for “The King of Elfland’s Daughter”